Pregnancy, is not only an important stage in the life of a woman, but it’s “the” most important stage in the life of every person. As the health, emotional well-being and the nutritional status of a pregnant woman has very long-term effects on her child.
Today we will talk about the effects of maternal nutritional status on the life of the new born. Nutrition of women before and during pregnancy, is critical in determining the health and survival of the mother and of her unborn baby. It’s proven through research and scientific analysis that poor nutritional status had adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Malnourished pregnant women have higher health risks, during childbirth. Obstructed labour, poor interuterine growth, low birth weight, low nutrient stores in infants and compromised physical and mental health are just a few, of a wide range of concerns.
Maternal malnutrition also starts the inter-generational cycle of poor health and malnutrition. So, if start working,on providing the pregnant women in particular, and girls of childbearing age with
☸️good nutrition
☸️good nutrition information
☸️healthy environment,
we can surely make a huge impact, on generations to come. As, optimal maternal nutrition will break this inter-generational cycle of burden on our community.
Mariam Khan, RDN
Diet and Nutrition Coach