When Our kids are young they count on us for anything and everything. If we are there for them(mentally &physically) in those early years it gives them a feeling of being cherished and cared for.
Today morning my son and I were awake. I spent few minutes with him after having breakfast🍽 together and then there we were with our books . I was writing something while Ahmad was just leafing through book.
He came to me and said “can we please read a story together?” . I looked in his eyes and i knew he was expecting a no beacause i already had spent few minutes with him and i was doing something important when he asked me so.
To his surprise i said ” *yes we sure can but there is a condition ,you will sit in my lap when we read story* ”
The feeling of being loved and valued made his face shy and the beam in his eyes was worth witnessing.
So i took him in my lap though he is big enough and sturdy MashaaAllah🏃 i had to try hard to accommodate .😋 We read the story👩👦📖 . We cuddled🤗 and then, we both were back to what we were doing already . And i knew that i had filled his attention and love basket . He was feeling fulfilled and so was I .
We all need to find time to connect with our lil ones . its foremost factor to gain cooperation from kids infact even adults.
Amna Malik