Let There Be No Secret

After divorce women normally don’t want their children to know or see their fathers.

This is because of the fear that fathers would feed the children with hateful stuff and brainwash them against their mothers. This is a very genuine concern.

However we need to remember that the relationship between the man and woman is broken. Children’s relationship with their father is unbreakable. A father is an integral part of a child’s life whether the father is alive, dead or divorced from the mother.

Children have right to know their father and other paternal relationships. Apart from the right of knowing about the father, it is important that children grow up with the facts. Important facts of life should not be hidden from the children. Not knowing about father and other important facts of their life can have a very detrimental affect on children’s mental and emotional well being.

Some children don’t even know that the person they call their father is not their real father but step father. Eventually they will come to know about it and feel heart broken for not having known it earlier. They may then even turn against the mother for not having told them the whole truth.

Children who know about such unpleasant facts of their life from the very beginning are well adjusted compared to those who were kept ignorant.

Trust your children’s capability to know the truth and accept it. Give them their due right of knowing about important facts of their birth and life. Let’s not hide the truth. Let there be no secrets.

Munira Ahmed
Founder PRC

