Client Response For 1-1 Sessions

Types of service: One on One Sessions
Coach: Yasmine Khatri
Duration: Two sessions
Client: Mother of a preschooler girl and toddler twins
Issues: Anger and conflicts in the family

Yesterday I felt sooooo much love for PRC , Munira and for you specially 😍
Yesterday, I think its first time after a family issue our room atmosphere remained calm and happy, I was not feeling myself responsible for this disturbance, I didn’t think that to rectify all the issues I should go and say sorry to them to make the atmosphere better , I didn’t fight with hubby or blame him to ruin my life and his is β€œthis” or β€œthat” etc.
I am calm, I am fine , I am happy with my 3s πŸ™‚ I am feeling confident that I have no issue if someone is not talking to me or not taking tea from me or not eating food which I am cooking etc πŸ™‚

