Are you bloated??

People think that Bloating is due to excess fluid storage in body🚰, or that it’s the “water weight”.
It’s the wrong ❌concept, rather its due to the gas 💨production in the gastrointestinal tract. So, here are a few pointers 🔢to save yourself from being bloated.
🐾Keep yourself active, a bit of exercise🚵🚶 daily will help.
🐾If you are over weight🚨, try reducing⏬ your weight to overcome this problem.
🐾Don’t over consume the fizzy drinks, instead of it try minty lemonade🍹, or mint tea☕, to help settle your digestion issues.
🐾Don’t eat big meals 🍱🍝🍕🌯at a time, try consuming smaller portions more often.
🐾While eating, chew slowly 🕣and chew more, according to our Sunnah, try avoiding hurried meals.
🐾Reduce your sodium consumption😷, highly processed and canned foods are high in sodium levels, try reducing their use along with limiting the daily salt intake.
🐾Avoid constipation, increase fiber rich🍐🍌🍄 foods, along with water🍸 intake and exercise🏃, this increase should be gradual as the body doesn’t❌ accept sudden high level intake of fiber.
🐾Watch out for the artificial sweetener, as it’s over usage can also cause Bloating, these artificial sweeteners are also present in “no sugar” ✨products.
🐾Add “ajwain” in foods like beans, and vegetables🍲 like broccoli and cauliflower, while cooking.
Work on these points to have a better, Bloating free life. 🌻🌺🌹
Mariam Khan, RDN
Diet and Nutrition Coach

