Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah
Amina no doubt this platform and specifically you is such a big blessing for me from Allah SWT.. I can’t thank enough….

And really i am feeling good actually great after all this…
When i spend time with my husband.. It gives me satisfaction that i am doing something worthy…

The guilt feeling which was always in my head is getting less space now, InshAllah it will be removed soon with your help and Allah’s will..

And that feeling of being guilty when i could not do chores on time and if someone else like mil does it with mood and being annoyed that is not bothering me much..
If she or her daughter or dewarani whoever do i don’t feel very much of مجرمانہ غفلت which i used to feel whole day and in making answers of assumed questions which she supposedly ask after i left chores….
Now i told as earlier that i now i have nothing more think… I will simply ask her that i cant do……

